Grateful Dead Live at Hampton Coliseum on 1989-10-09
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- Publication date
- 1989-10-09 ( check for other copies)
- Topics
- Live concert
- Collection
- GratefulDead
- Band/Artist
- Grateful Dead
- Resource
- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 1.5G
Feel Like A Stranger, Built To Last, Little Red Rooster, Ramble On Rose, We Can Run But We Can't Hide, Jack A Roe, Memphis Blues, Row Jimmy, The Music Never Stopped Playin' In The Band-> Uncle John's Band-> Playin' In The Band Reprise, Dark Star-> Drums-> Jam-> Death Don't Have No Mercy-> Dear Mr. Fantasy-> Hey Jude Reprise-> Throwing Stones-> Good Lovin', E: Attics Of My Life
Lineage: SBD > PCM (analog output) > D > D > D > D; CD> SHN> Seeded to Etree by Patrick Murphy, from Jay Serafin seed discs; see info file for additional notes
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2004-07-07 20:29:00
- Has_mp3
- 1
- Identifier
- gd89-10-09.sbd.serafin.7721.sbeok.shnf
- Lineage
- SBD > PCM (analog output) > D > D > D > D; CD> SHN> Seeded to Etree by Patrick Murphy, from Jay Serafin seed discs; see info file for additional notes
- Location
- Hampton, VA
- Numeric_id
- 16033
- Shndiscs
- 2
- Type
- sound
- Venue
- Hampton Coliseum
- Year
- 1989
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 6, 2022
Subject: first show
Subject: first show
I had been up in the seats with my friends for the first set, and then wandered down onto the floor during the break and was standing about midway between
the soundboard and the stage for the second set. When they broke out Dark Star and everyone went nuts, there was this one dude I will never forget was sprinting through the crowd toward the stage and every third step or so bounced way up in the air spinning around shouting “wooHooWOOhoowooHOO” at the top of his lungs. The funny thing was, that being a relative newcomer to the scene, I had no idea that Dark Star hadn’t been played in so long, and after the show when I found my friends in the lot and was telling them how mind blowing the show was for me and thanking them for bringing me along, they were all like “I can’t believe *this* was your first show! you lucky son of a bitch! You got Dark Star your first show!?” I was like “don’t they usually play that?” I got punched in the arm really hard. Obviously everyone’s first show is special to them, but having been to a lot of shows since then and listening to a lot of tapes I do believe this is one of the best. There was definitely a special vibe there that I only got at a handful of shows after. Wherever you guys are: Jeff and Richelle, thanks for the ticket, Chris, thanks for loaning us the station wagon, Rusty thanks for the shrooms! And thanks to the folks at archive for hosting this and the tapers for capturing and posting it!
grateful phishmon
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 16, 2020 (edited)
Subject: Oh, to have been at this one
Subject: Oh, to have been at this one
While maybe it's not quite 5 stars on merit, it's pretty close, and on sentiment it has to be. Get the aud so you can hear the crowd roar when Dark Star
begins. The first of many excellent latter-day Dark Stars. The rest of the show is good stuff as well (Death Don't! Attics!), although 10-16-89 had the better first set.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 9, 2019
Subject: Grateful to be able to listen to this today
Subject: Grateful to be able to listen to this today
30 years later. Many thanks to all involved in bringing this magical night to my ears. From the band to the tapers, to those involved in archiving and
preserving the music. Thanks for the reviews and stories as well.
Just thanks...
So grateful.
Just thanks...
So grateful.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 7, 2018 (edited)
Subject: formerly the warlocks
Subject: formerly the warlocks
Nice Sound. Analog output? Thanks JA for this recording. I love Jerry's tone and playing and even try to sound like him when I play guitar(something of
a musical role model). BUT I never have cared for the midi flute sounds that he liked(like during this Built to Last). Always was a downer when he stomped on this pedal. Probly was easy to play.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 19, 2017
Subject: for a half full arena ,every body who was there posted on here
Subject: for a half full arena ,every body who was there posted on here
Best year ,tour ,for my musical dead career ,but can't say I was on spring 77 ,73 67 , everyone has to have a favorite period ,mind fluctuates ,butt there
something magical about fall ,perhaps its harvest season ,and its time to enjoy the bounty of a long hard hot summer ,kinda like DNB Harvest Party at the ranch ....Plane and simply Brent and Jerry were magic and Keith never came close to lighting a fire up Jerry's ass, like Brent could , Brent pushed the envelope and Jerry was never to be showed up , so unlike majority of post Brent shows Jerry could yawn it up ,but summer 89 until Brents fuckin tragic death ,was I think the dead at their best ,these two shows show that well ,I read review of a guy who said I drove down but couldn't get a ticket ,he must have been naked and on fire 🔥 , even my dog in both nights ,and surprise breakouts finally got my Built to Last . Definite high point:)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 27, 2017
Subject: thanx!!
Subject: thanx!!
from"88-90 wet to alot of shows along the east coast.
i remember these were highly talked about shows.
now i know why.
i remember these were highly talked about shows.
now i know why.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 28, 2016
Subject: It was more Magical than it sounds!
Subject: It was more Magical than it sounds!
I went with my taper friend Ron,(thanks man!). On the way to meet him in North Carolina my purple RX-7 brokedown and I slept in the car with breaks into
the gas station bathroom to warm up with the hand warmer,(it was unseasonably cool). Ron was managing a restaurant at the time and said he would come and pick me up when his shift was over. (what a pal). With arrangement made for my car repairs we proceeded to Hampton. He had already procured tickets in advance so we were set for both nights. (except for a few What-Nots and Doo-Dads in the parking lot). The tickets and the sign at the coliseum both read FORMERLY THE WARLOCKS, not The Warlocks.( I just wanted to clear that up. I have the stups to prove it.). Both shows were great, but the atmosphere and energy inside that building when they went into Dark Star was like nothing I have ever experienced before or since. Even the best recordings can not capture that. Words can not express or describe the wave of energy that swept over that crowd and brought every person in there into one accord. It was a religious experience in every sense of the term. When the lights came up at the end of the set the whole crowd just stood and cheered for what seemed like 10 we had just won the World Series or the Super Bowl. Ron, wherever you are man, thank you so much!!!
fresh donutz
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 1, 2015 (edited)
Subject: I was at this show.
Subject: I was at this show.
Got a free ticket. Feel blessed.
Oh, and most people seem to miss that Jerry drops a Spanish Jam about a third of the way through Dark Star ( ..." href="/details/gd89-10-09.sbd.serafin.7721.sbeok.shnf?start=383"> 6:23 mark ) . Ha!
Oh, and most people seem to miss that Jerry drops a Spanish Jam about a third of the way through Dark Star ( ..." href="/details/gd89-10-09.sbd.serafin.7721.sbeok.shnf?start=383"> 6:23 mark ) . Ha!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 13, 2015 (edited)
Subject: Shall we Go?
Subject: Shall we Go?
Having just got back from CalExpo/Greek West Coast trip, and with New Year's in sight, I wrote off Fall Tour. But When I heard that they were sneaking
in two shows as the Warlocks in my favorite place to see the the dead, I had to go.
With no tickets, no ride, and all my funds in future or recent dead shows, my prospects were few.
I heard it from a head in Memphis that a hotel was selling tickets to the second night only, if you rented a room from them. I booked first thing and enlisted my friend Kevin for the long bus ride to Va, We made it there just before the first night and never got tickets. in the lot, after the show, we heard they brought back Help>Slip. I was beside myself.
The next night inside, during the first set, Kevin looked at me and asked, "Do you think they have played their hand?", obviously referencing the great night we had missed. The very next line sung was, "Sitting plush with a royal flush, aces back to back.
Let me stop here to point out that I was a Dark Star fanatic. It all started for me with the version on Live Dead. Seeing a Dark Star was an ultimate fantasy.
They vibe inside of that place that night was unlike anything I have ever felt in my life.
I arrived with so little money in my pocket, I wondered, after the agony of missing the first night, why I spent all my time following this band.
By the time we settled into the middle of Playin', I knew this was a special night. At one point, (10:35) Garcia began to play a riff he played during many Dark Stars from the past, in particular, the one from Live Dead, which was so ingrained in my head. I Heard it, and thought, "could it be?"
When the opening notes rang out, I was peaking. My friend and I just jumped in unison, while holding each other, for several minutes.
By the time we reached the 7 minute mark I was hearing, what I believed to be the greatest Dark Star ever played in my favorite place to see my favorite band play my favorite song, standing Dead Center, Best Sound Ever, hash/shroom..
One of the greatest moments of my life.
With no tickets, no ride, and all my funds in future or recent dead shows, my prospects were few.
I heard it from a head in Memphis that a hotel was selling tickets to the second night only, if you rented a room from them. I booked first thing and enlisted my friend Kevin for the long bus ride to Va, We made it there just before the first night and never got tickets. in the lot, after the show, we heard they brought back Help>Slip. I was beside myself.
The next night inside, during the first set, Kevin looked at me and asked, "Do you think they have played their hand?", obviously referencing the great night we had missed. The very next line sung was, "Sitting plush with a royal flush, aces back to back.
Let me stop here to point out that I was a Dark Star fanatic. It all started for me with the version on Live Dead. Seeing a Dark Star was an ultimate fantasy.
They vibe inside of that place that night was unlike anything I have ever felt in my life.
I arrived with so little money in my pocket, I wondered, after the agony of missing the first night, why I spent all my time following this band.
By the time we settled into the middle of Playin', I knew this was a special night. At one point, (10:35) Garcia began to play a riff he played during many Dark Stars from the past, in particular, the one from Live Dead, which was so ingrained in my head. I Heard it, and thought, "could it be?"
When the opening notes rang out, I was peaking. My friend and I just jumped in unison, while holding each other, for several minutes.
By the time we reached the 7 minute mark I was hearing, what I believed to be the greatest Dark Star ever played in my favorite place to see my favorite band play my favorite song, standing Dead Center, Best Sound Ever, hash/shroom..
One of the greatest moments of my life.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 7, 2014 (edited)
Subject: Party Time
Subject: Party Time
How cool must it have been to be in attendance this and the previous night. Anyone know if these shows even sold out under the billing of the widely unknown
name of The Warlocks? I'm guessing tickets were easy enough to get. To think! I've had this show in heavy rotation for years and must say that while the energy, sound (yes Bob is high in the mix, but to me that adds a cool dimension) and the playing throughout the night is awesome inspite (lyrical snafus don't bother me) the highlight of the night is the Death Don't Have no Mercy. To me it's hands down the best version I know of and is one of the highlights of Brent's illustrious career, of which there are many. All time best show? I would personally award 3.1.69, 2.13.70, 5.2.70 or 4.29.71 with that designation, but this must've been the most fun show ever all things considered.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 9, 2013
Subject: Attics... gives Life its wingz
Subject: Attics... gives Life its wingz
This two nite hangoVer in Hampton Roadz....brought Jerry and the GraTefuL deaD Va under the alias "the Warlocks"...which...suprisingly allowed
them to perform in Va...regardless of the ban placed on them a few yrz prior...needless to deadhead was fooLed...the WarLocks meant Jerry Garcia wouLd once again take the spaceship on a trip....and taking anyone willing to laugh dance and cry aLong with!!! would also be the Last Eastcoast performance of the duo between jerry & woLf until '93....with that saId...
....I read these comments and posts and I have to believe some of you are lying...and/or your truely not listening to the showz you are commenting on!?!?....without having to type a short story ...ill only give my opinionz on two that stood out...
...1stly....BuiLt to Last is as far from"sucking"...then youR knowledge of this band and youR heaRing is!!...and considering that was all your post consisted of...just to say "Built2Last sux" tellz me all I need to know...
.....and 2ndly....there was person...whom my doubts of showz seen...touRz trekked...and songz heaRd are not all worried...85 to long enuff to realize tho...that the fall of '94 was the best any of us had heaRd...since like 1990!!...the Runs from Boston...The spectrum...Usair aRena...and lastly...MSG...are fuckin amazing for that time period...not to mention a band whose magic man had the weight of the worLd...and a monKey on back tryin to take it ALL these two nites in Hampton that much moRe wonder and life...for atleast heRe...jerry had kicked heroin...and it showed in his energetic yrz thru 88-90...and if I was to say onLy ONE THING about this 2nite trip into the controlled confusion of magicaL bliss...of what IS the GraTefuL deaD....I'd only say..."Attics"...I'm sure you felt it as well....♥
....I read these comments and posts and I have to believe some of you are lying...and/or your truely not listening to the showz you are commenting on!?!?....without having to type a short story ...ill only give my opinionz on two that stood out...
...1stly....BuiLt to Last is as far from"sucking"...then youR knowledge of this band and youR heaRing is!!...and considering that was all your post consisted of...just to say "Built2Last sux" tellz me all I need to know...
.....and 2ndly....there was person...whom my doubts of showz seen...touRz trekked...and songz heaRd are not all worried...85 to long enuff to realize tho...that the fall of '94 was the best any of us had heaRd...since like 1990!!...the Runs from Boston...The spectrum...Usair aRena...and lastly...MSG...are fuckin amazing for that time period...not to mention a band whose magic man had the weight of the worLd...and a monKey on back tryin to take it ALL these two nites in Hampton that much moRe wonder and life...for atleast heRe...jerry had kicked heroin...and it showed in his energetic yrz thru 88-90...and if I was to say onLy ONE THING about this 2nite trip into the controlled confusion of magicaL bliss...of what IS the GraTefuL deaD....I'd only say..."Attics"...I'm sure you felt it as well....♥
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 10, 2012
Subject: You know it's gonna get Stranger
Subject: You know it's gonna get Stranger
Heard this show many times and have an audience tape from back in the day. This right here is the S#%,!?t. Some reviews stated that Built To Last didn't
do it for them because of Jerry's use of Midi/Horns. You gotta B-Kidding. BTL smokes here. I missed this one but knew about it before it happened. Don't regret it because I caught a lot of shows before it and afterwards. This was a great time for the Dead and the peak of Brent Mydland's career. Every song is played with such energy that even the flubs make it more interesting. Garcia rips all the way through with Brent encouraging him to take up a notch. Phil is commanding with his presence, Bobby nails every one of his tunes and the Rhythm Devils are firing on all pistons. In other words "Good Ol' Grateful Dead" just listen to the Playing in the Band and get ready to go somewhere really nice. This should be released on DVD if good quality video is in the vault. We need more video. The technology just begs for it. Could you imagine watching this on a 75" screen in 5.1 or 7.1?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 9, 2012 (edited)
Subject: Every Year
Subject: Every Year
One more thing, i love reading the comments on this page every year on this date. i still hold this tix, now laminated, in my wallet, and always enjoy
breaking it out to the unsuspecting person who would appreciate it. for those that were there, they understand what the this show was and meant, from an audience perspective. the audience was one that night, and that vibe was what made this show so great, and what makes me listen to it every year on this date. The boys played great, but the hampton audience on that particular night 23 years ago was what stands out in my memory. Not so sure I have since experienced anything like it
Garnet Gladiolas
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 21, 2012
Subject: Built to Last!!!!
Subject: Built to Last!!!!
I got my first Built to Last!!!! Kidding...The song sucks.
Lord Happy
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 20, 2012
Subject: One For My Son
Subject: One For My Son
There just aren't any other words I could write to express anything different from the glowing sentiments of all the other reviewers. I tend to rate shows
based on whether I'd son to listen to it. This is undoubtedly One For My Son.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 27, 2010
Subject: Good, but Overrated
Subject: Good, but Overrated
Setlist (and marketing tactics) notwithstanding, this is a pretty good show. Very well-played first set. That said, Jer hit his latter-day peak a few months
earlier... some of the musical and lyrical flubs in PITB-->UJB-->PITB are flat-out painful.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 11, 2010 (edited)
Subject: all I can say
Subject: all I can say
I got into the dead in 1985, but didn't catch my first show till 87, saw a bunch, and then saw a bunch in 88 to. I did my first east coast tour summer
of 88. I never thought i would get the chance ton see a darkstar. I ended up seeing 125+ shows from 87 to 94. My last run was the boston garden shows in 1994. The encore that night was broken-down palace and I knew it was over for me. The magic was just gone, and the scene just sucked....but speaking of magic these two shows that I got to see were just incredible. The band was firing on all cylinders. When they broke out darkstar the energy level in the place just went wild. I still didn't believe it was happening, I thought it was a teaser, until jerry started singing it. Incompletely lost it. It isn't even close to be the best darkstar, but it was a darkstar nonetheless. These two shows are magical. I'm only rating it a four star because for me to give a 5 star it has to be an extraordinary show from start to finish. If anyone wants a copy of this show, or any other for that matter just email me. I have well over a 1000 shows and it grows daily. I'm actually starting to get a collection of JGB also. My email is
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 5, 2010
I lived in Syracuse which is 800 miles away. I had heard the Dead were playing as the Warlocks and I was working Monday, and wondered how I could make
Sunday night and return by Monday. Well, we drove all the way Without tickets (which we never did) and were well aware how difficult scoring a ticket was at Hampton. I had done all of the runs since 85 so I loved the place. However, I knew there was something special about these shows, so I had NO problem driving down for 1 show and come back on Monday. Who liked Monday shows right!
Saturday: A great start to the day, which was crisp and very cool for Hampton. WE HAVE NO TIX. Tons of people looking for tix. We see a Police car and a bunch of people are surrounding it. We walk up as close as we can and some guy is sitting in the back seat of the Squad car with the door open with a hundred tickets in his hand. All GRATEFUL DEAD mail order produced by Steve Marcus/Calico & Co. I actually bought two tickets for each night out of a back seat of a police car. That's was certainly my best experience that close to any cop car.
Show starts and is great! Second set comes around and I yell in my friend Heidi's ear that they are going to play help on the way-Slipknot and Franklins. Everyone overhear's me saying it and laughs. First note jerry makes HELP ON THE WAY. Well, enough to be said about the night before.
I decided I had to stay for MOnday's show, and would call my boss from the hotel in the morning and tell him I was sick.
Monday (today) I call my boss at 6:30 am and tell him I am sick and can't make it in. He tell's me that one of the guys heard I went to see a Dead show. He told me I had 1 hour to be in the office or I was FIRED. Well, we all know I am not making it home 800+ miles from Hampton Virginia in 1 hour. So I lost the job and preyed that tonight's show would be worth my job for the last 3 years. WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK`
I went into the show and ALL of You were there. Remember in the back of the tapers section on the floor we All sat and prepared for an incredible adventure. There were at least 20 Syracuse area people there and it seemed we were all strapped in and ready for a ride. I have seen the Band 500 times and this was the best Combined audience band experienced I have ever had. There are a few in the 80's that compare, but not for Music content, qaulity, etc. This has 5 stars for being an incredible experience.
Those who were not there, still say it was noisy and lame. That's because they only heard in on tapes. Believe me, many seasoned heads just could NOT make it to these shows as they were too much of a surprise on most people's itinerary.
Incredible breakouts of Dark Star, Death Don't have no Mercy and Attics of my life. 17+ years since this had been played which should be as significant as Dark Star.
The Air was Crackling with Energy that I swear you will never experience again in Rock and Roll. I am into all sorts of music and Phish could never in a million years bring me here. They don't have the routes and history and the power the Dead had. I compare bands like Phish to the Dead like our civilization now compared to Ancient Rome. The Dead are incredible.
Saturday: A great start to the day, which was crisp and very cool for Hampton. WE HAVE NO TIX. Tons of people looking for tix. We see a Police car and a bunch of people are surrounding it. We walk up as close as we can and some guy is sitting in the back seat of the Squad car with the door open with a hundred tickets in his hand. All GRATEFUL DEAD mail order produced by Steve Marcus/Calico & Co. I actually bought two tickets for each night out of a back seat of a police car. That's was certainly my best experience that close to any cop car.
Show starts and is great! Second set comes around and I yell in my friend Heidi's ear that they are going to play help on the way-Slipknot and Franklins. Everyone overhear's me saying it and laughs. First note jerry makes HELP ON THE WAY. Well, enough to be said about the night before.
I decided I had to stay for MOnday's show, and would call my boss from the hotel in the morning and tell him I was sick.
Monday (today) I call my boss at 6:30 am and tell him I am sick and can't make it in. He tell's me that one of the guys heard I went to see a Dead show. He told me I had 1 hour to be in the office or I was FIRED. Well, we all know I am not making it home 800+ miles from Hampton Virginia in 1 hour. So I lost the job and preyed that tonight's show would be worth my job for the last 3 years. WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK`
I went into the show and ALL of You were there. Remember in the back of the tapers section on the floor we All sat and prepared for an incredible adventure. There were at least 20 Syracuse area people there and it seemed we were all strapped in and ready for a ride. I have seen the Band 500 times and this was the best Combined audience band experienced I have ever had. There are a few in the 80's that compare, but not for Music content, qaulity, etc. This has 5 stars for being an incredible experience.
Those who were not there, still say it was noisy and lame. That's because they only heard in on tapes. Believe me, many seasoned heads just could NOT make it to these shows as they were too much of a surprise on most people's itinerary.
Incredible breakouts of Dark Star, Death Don't have no Mercy and Attics of my life. 17+ years since this had been played which should be as significant as Dark Star.
The Air was Crackling with Energy that I swear you will never experience again in Rock and Roll. I am into all sorts of music and Phish could never in a million years bring me here. They don't have the routes and history and the power the Dead had. I compare bands like Phish to the Dead like our civilization now compared to Ancient Rome. The Dead are incredible.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 27, 2010
Subject: whew!
Subject: whew!
I pretty much got off the bus by '78, and never thought the later stuff compared to anything from around 1974 or before- I STILL don't, mostly- but I gotta
admit THIS IS THE SHIT. My favorite "DEATH DON'T" of all time!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2010
Subject: Taking me back
Subject: Taking me back
I had the great luck of being at both Warlock shows that year. There are bad shows, good shows, and then there are magic shows. This was one of the magic
ones. I so appreciate all the tapers who make it possible for me to revisit that AMAZING night. It lights it all up again. I just remember looking at everyone at the end of the second night. No one wanted to leave. We cheered and cheered. Cheering the band, cheering each other. I feel so blessed to have met the Dead. Be sure to check out the Morning Dew on Oct 8 (previous show). Out of the park. Work of art. Again thanks to all.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 28, 2009
Subject: BumpTheWiser...
Subject: BumpTheWiser...
Note to self:
this show vibrates funny ... it has that journey element in it ... going through time and space ...
But dang ... I dug this show!!!!
this show vibrates funny ... it has that journey element in it ... going through time and space ...
But dang ... I dug this show!!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 27, 2009
Subject: Missed it by one day!!
Subject: Missed it by one day!!
Was at The Warlocks the night before. I told my friend that it had been 5 years since the last Dark Star and they would be playin' it soon. Had to go back
for a test at school. Heard the set list after the test and I was livid for a few days. At least I caught the next one at Brendan Byrne (and many more). But nothing made up for missing this show...ever!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 31, 2009
Subject: Awesome show, Darkstar breakout!
Subject: Awesome show, Darkstar breakout!
This show is a later-day legend! It is a top five Mydland-era concert and really proves that the Dead were breaking out of a rut and exploring new territory.
The energy and jamming are off the charts! Brent Mydland was an important part of the band and I believe he was motivating the other members, especially Garcia. This one is worth a listen!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 21, 2008
Subject: so where'd you go after the show?
Subject: so where'd you go after the show?
Disneyland! Where dreams come true... let me go get a tissue, and then a 40 some I can pour some liquor for all my dead hommies. Yup, I can imagine how
life just lost its shine after a night like this. Kudos for toughing out for the childrens sake.
Alright-> Yes I agree amaxing second set... That first set sure had some eggs in it unfortunately. That built to last was, like kinda corny man, the horns the horns are calling.
Alright-> Yes I agree amaxing second set... That first set sure had some eggs in it unfortunately. That built to last was, like kinda corny man, the horns the horns are calling.
Brother Esau1
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 21, 2008
66 Bonneville
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 23, 2008
Subject: What did they play?!
Subject: What did they play?!
As we filed out of this show the crowd was silent. A dude was walking up towards the doors hollering, "What did they play? What did they play?" Nobody
had the heart to tell him. All at once, the whole first wave of near silent murmuring heads shuffling down the ramp turned, faced the coliseum and let out this humongous cheer.
It could have all ended right there for me, and I would have been satisfied, but I'm glad it went on.
Thanks to that truck driver who tipped us all off. There was virtually nobody on line for Tickets.
No regrets for all those tours for sure!
It could have all ended right there for me, and I would have been satisfied, but I'm glad it went on.
Thanks to that truck driver who tipped us all off. There was virtually nobody on line for Tickets.
No regrets for all those tours for sure!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 23, 2008
Subject: what a nite
Subject: what a nite
from the moment that myself and four friends crammed into a beat vega stationwagon and miraculously made it from phila. to hampton ,we new magik was in
the air ! and this show was MAGIK !!the electricty in general was strong just because we were seeing the "WARLOCKS" !Both nites the celebrations were hearty, both nites the crowd was pumped but when Phil hit those first few notes of DS ,we new we were living in a special moment of Dead history.a nite never to be forgotten .
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2008
Subject: speechless
Subject: speechless
I recall my friend Pat or Dave and I were on Long Island when we called the hotline. We raced to Hampton scored tix for both shows instantly. I'm pretty
sure we expected a break out tune. If you were at these shows they rank in your top 5 i'm sure. The second set blew our minds ...serious. I was behind the drums with a great view of the crowd out front and the band too. It happened in waves that you can somewhat hear on the tapes. As the first notes of Dark Star are struck, the crowd goes nuts. Probably the tapers 1st, seeing that they know best right. Then the rest of us recognize. Cool. The Death Dont, on this night was erie and awesome. But I think the Attics really tore the lid off. Wasn't expecting that. As we exited the venue, it was like no comment needed to be made. We knew we witnessed something special that night. These shows set the tone for what I think are some of the Dead, with Brents best run. 1989 through Brents untimely death at the end of summer tour 1990. For some reason I also have this memory of some sick purple too!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 14, 2007
Subject: my first show
Subject: my first show
10/08 was my first show.....I had just turned 17 in september.....and thats all I have to say about that..... Memories of the lot are vague. I did not
get in this night but was there for the help slip. Something about an incident at a red carpet inn.... a side trip to some mountain with some crazy lesbians and a giant sack of funghi at this house where we we kept running in and out of the house from the lights to the darkness....back and forth....paisleys and fractals like you wouldnt beleive...everybody was on the same trip......this was the night we didnt get in. memories of a shopping mall near the coliseum some serious mucking about definitely transpired there......chris brocharts? orange bus.....thanks for the kip and the alpaca . This was definitely the most fun I have ever had in my life. it Simply cannot be matched. Thanks B. Painter wherever you are!
funny this run may be the best of the modern era
funny this run may be the best of the modern era
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 14, 2007
Subject: there
Subject: there
i was there and it was one of the top 5 shows i ever saw. except for garicas shitty horn e ffects ect. too bad for you as they say
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 2, 2007
Subject: darn I missed it
Subject: darn I missed it
I remember when I heard the Dead were coming to Hampton under the disguise of their original name, The Warlocks. I said right then and there it would be
something special. Just knew it would. But for some reason I cant possibly fathom, I didn't end up going. I saw the Hampton run in 88'. The middle night was my first show with the super-hot Scarlet/Fire. I saw most of the summer and fall tours of 88'. And a bunch of shows in 89'. But for some reason which I really cant even remember at this point, I didn't make it to this one, even though a bunch of my friends got tickets and went. As well as I can remember the reason I didn't go had something to do with my girlfriend and how she thought I was ruining my future by missing too much community college to go to all these shows. I was into her and was trying to take her advice etc. And I also remember the feeling I got when my friends returned and told me about the show. It was one of those gut-wrenching feelings like you know you missed a once in a lifetitme opportnity. Sure sure they played Dark Star again and I got to see it a few times before the end but it wasn't like this one. Every time I listen to the opening notes of DS on this show and hear the crowd it sends chills down my neck. And I should have been there and would have been there if it werent for a woman. O'well you live you learn. But as for the show....fantastic. Dark Star, Attics, just the whole thing. And this recording is crisp as a piece if rice paper. Unreal. Definitely a five-star the whole way round.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 19, 2007
Subject: Greatful Dead
Subject: Greatful Dead
This show was really an unusual event for me. When I found out about the Dead playing there a friend of mine knew a girl whose father lived in Hampton.
He stood in line to get tickets for me and my friend even though he didn't even know us. My friend played in a band and the local press in Charlotte, NC found out we were going and members of the Charlotte Observer newspaper went with us. It turned out good because they had back stage presses that we got. We went back stage during this show and the band came out on stage. We were able to walk right over and stand on the first row right in front of Phil. The show was real good and when the went into Dark Star I remember looking back to the crown juminng into the air in jubulation. It was unreal. I will never forget the Death Don't Have no Mercy of the Attics of My Life. It was a real fun time.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 30, 2007
Subject: where has this show been all my life
Subject: where has this show been all my life
Can't believe I've never heard this before. Death Don't Have No Mercy is smokin' and Brent just screams on Dear Mr. Fantasy. Playin > UJB > Playin
> Darkstar is out of this world.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 30, 2007
Subject: We Can Run
Subject: We Can Run
Man, I love me so Brent. I love that man.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 30, 2007 (edited)
Subject: Back
Subject: Back
19 years ago today, i miss jerry:(
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 10, 2007
Subject: Grate Show
Subject: Grate Show
I missed this show. My mother and I stood out to get tickets. I was 14 at the time. I was going to go because my step father had to work. There was a change
of plans. I really did not care for them until the following year. I cannot believe I missed such a monumental show. Dark Star for g-d's sake after a 8 year lay-off.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2007
Subject: I agree with BryanE
Subject: I agree with BryanE
Absolutely!!! Or Jerry's lead in JackaRoe, or a ton of other incredible momments that happened all the way to the end, if perhaps with less frequency in
the last few years...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 10, 2007
Subject: Does It Get Any Better Than This?
Subject: Does It Get Any Better Than This?
For all who insist that their were no relevant performances after-what? 1978?-listen to Death Don't Have No Mercy, and admit how wrong you've been.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 10, 2006
Subject: my first show - life never the same afterwards
Subject: my first show - life never the same afterwards
I was in high school at the time - only fifteen, turning sixteen in a few weeks. Heard on the radio here in Richmond, VA that "Warlocks" tickets were going
to be sold at the Richmond Coliseum. The announcer said that this was really the Dead, and you'd better hurry, 'cause they're going fast! When a friend and I got there, Sunday was already sold out - SHIT! OK, we'll "settle" for Monday night. Lime green tickets with The Warlocks in gold foil. I think this was the week previous, and boy was that a hard wait. My buddy's mom drove us down, dropped us at the mall across Mercury Blvd only about fifteen minutes before show time. Had no idea then about the lot scene... We went in, onto the floor just ahead of the sea of microphones and the SBD. Plenty of room. Someone gave us some little blue unicorns, the lights went down and things got crazy. The music was not only heard, but felt. I didn't feel right, but I didn't feel wrong, either. Spent most of the time looking up at the ceiling and the lights, and at one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw in my life - Elizabeth from Tappahannock - i'll never forget her occasionally touching my arm and saying "they're up there, on stage, not in the rafters". Little did she know it, but there was something up there in the rafters - I could see the music. At the break, several friends from school found us, they were pretty much in the same boat. Then to blow our minds, one of the teachers from our school walked by, looked at us, and said "you boys be safe," obviously he could see right through us. The lights went down again and the rest is history. I didn't know it at the time, but I witnessed perhaps the best show of the Dead's later career. I sensed that something monumental had happened, because afterwards, people were hugging each other and crying tears of joy. On the way out, the phones were packed with people - I remember one guy saying "Dark Star, man, Dark Star! I can't believe this just happened!" The ride home was done in utter silence, we'd just had it done to us good-fashioned. I was hooked from that point on, catching as many nights as possible. Although Sunday night was awesome as well, i'll always be thankful it sold out and we had to go on Monday night. My first night was a historic night. For the next six years, I caught almost every east-coast Dark Star, even the final in Atlanta 94. I always said that all of that energy at Hampton in 89 turned me into some kind of Dark Star magnet. Thanks to the band for providing me with years of enjoyment and memories. Every time I put this one on, i'm fifteen all over again and life will never be the same.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 19, 2006
Subject: Warlocks and Brujos
Subject: Warlocks and Brujos
Got to see jerry at hampton...never the dead. This is crystal SB (whatever you comuter wonks may have done to it...IRE!) If you like the dead...listen
to this tape...
not the best energy from the boyz...but who am i to judge? --- worthy.
not the best energy from the boyz...but who am i to judge? --- worthy.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 30, 2006
Subject: Nice
Subject: Nice
This is the first listen I've had of this show.
I saw most of the Hampton runs from '86 - '88 and they were always off the hook.
The parking ... lot was always crazy. I remember one show we went to my senior year of high school and we were flush with shrooms but nothin else. So they send me out to find some smoke - we're all still bug eyed and they're trying to prep me for the effort in the back of the car - I'm sittin there takin in all the advise, like, "Only ask the heads, man, don't talk to noone else," and "If you see a guy on a unicycle I know he's cool, talk to him,"..........
Long story short, I'm nervous as shit leavin the van, still trippin my nuts off.
Walk about ten feet, there's a guy sellin beers. I manage to mumble, "Got any smoke?" or something like that.
I'm back to the car in less than five minutes with a big 'ol bag. Everyone's jumpin up and down.
Damn those were great shows - great times.
Very sorry I missed the '89 run. The folks sent me off to rehab that summer. Then I moved out to Hawaii and all I saw was JGB at the band shell the whole time I was there.
But northern VA, late '80s - that was a good time.
I saw most of the Hampton runs from '86 - '88 and they were always off the hook.
The parking ... lot was always crazy. I remember one show we went to my senior year of high school and we were flush with shrooms but nothin else. So they send me out to find some smoke - we're all still bug eyed and they're trying to prep me for the effort in the back of the car - I'm sittin there takin in all the advise, like, "Only ask the heads, man, don't talk to noone else," and "If you see a guy on a unicycle I know he's cool, talk to him,"..........
Long story short, I'm nervous as shit leavin the van, still trippin my nuts off.
Walk about ten feet, there's a guy sellin beers. I manage to mumble, "Got any smoke?" or something like that.
I'm back to the car in less than five minutes with a big 'ol bag. Everyone's jumpin up and down.
Damn those were great shows - great times.
Very sorry I missed the '89 run. The folks sent me off to rehab that summer. Then I moved out to Hawaii and all I saw was JGB at the band shell the whole time I was there.
But northern VA, late '80s - that was a good time.
Grateful A/C
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 11, 2006
Subject: Strange memories
Subject: Strange memories
Drove from south Fla. on a rumor. Hit town and scores 2 for 2nd nite. Police and security was brutal. In parking lot hangin out in my bus a head that looked
like a mushroom pops in and splits an oz of mushrooms up and says he will be just a second folks and as fast as he arrived he was gone. Another head so spaced out stumbles by and falls on my BBQ, burns the piss out of himself and ruined my burgers. Then a chick walks up and wants us to tell us if her tits look ok. Pulls a big set out and jiggles them. We comfirm they are nice she hugs us and leaves. I know this is going to be a good show. I remember Brent wailling and I do mean wailling on Little Red Rooster, his face was red and veigns popping out of his neck slamming the keyboard, Dark star very nice surprise people were jummpin and dancin so hard it was almost like a slam dance pit. Then for encore Attics Of My Life. Very nice except for some collage kid next to me with his arms in the air SCREAMING on the top of his lungs so loud I had to get away from him. What a good, unexpected, and eventfull show alot of laughs home. Thank you archives.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 26, 2006
Subject: Why the track at once
Subject: Why the track at once
The silent pauses between songs leaves something to be desired. Not necessary, and definitely inappropriate given the continuous nature of play during
most of the show (particularly Second Set)
That being said, hard to complain about a show like this one. Had just "stepped off the bus" when the Warlocks shows came around. These are the two shows during my touring era that I wish I hadn't missed.
That being said, hard to complain about a show like this one. Had just "stepped off the bus" when the Warlocks shows came around. These are the two shows during my touring era that I wish I hadn't missed.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 22, 2006
Subject: bt.etree version
Subject: bt.etree version
to codrain85. You can't burn this version, its streaming format only. There is a killer version of this show available now at
rel="ugc nofollow" target="_blank"> Sbd too.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
June 22, 2006
Subject: Playin intro is cut. Perhaps 2-3 seconds missing. WTF?
Subject: Playin intro is cut. Perhaps 2-3 seconds missing. WTF?
Great show, unacceptable cut at the beginning of set 2. My cassette SBD that's collecting dust in a box is uncut. What gives? Cuts and splices are common
with respect to older shows, but 1989, come on. This is perhaps the GD's best post retirement show and I'm tempted not to burn this copy because of the untimely flaw.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 12, 2006
Subject: Best of the Best
Subject: Best of the Best
My friends knocked on my window at 2:30 in the
morning the night before the show and on a whim I hopped into the car because, hey, it was advertised as the Warlocke! No ticket and not much money. Spent the day fruitlessly seeking a ticket and not finding one. About 10 minutes before show time a guy with a GD Productions laminate came up to us and sold our entire gang (6 people) tickets for $20 a piece. Best investement I've ever made. Nothing I can say about the show that hasn't been said below. I weasled my way onto the floor at the start of the second set and was standing about 20 feet from Jerry when the Dark Star exploded. Wow! The strange thing is that I remember the floor as being somewhat un-crowded and pogoing like I was at a Ramones show when the first bass lines for Dark Star thumped out of Phil's bass. Nevertheless the Attics made the show for me; I was humming it for weeks after. I ran across a bootleg video of this show several years later, copied it and lost in in a move. If anyone has it, drop me a line. Enjoy the show.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2006 (edited)
Subject: "Death DOn't Have No Mercy" rocks!
Subject: "Death DOn't Have No Mercy" rocks!
This version of "Death Don't Have No Mercy" is f***ing great! I nearly fell off my chair. I haven't heard anything else that compares. The Dark Star is
also excellent. Especially surprising, considering it was 89.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 15, 2006
Subject: midi
Subject: midi
The first verse of jack-a-roe is missing(aud source is intact) but the splice is seamless. This was the first time most of us had heard the full blown
midi sound and there were moments during both nights that were stunning. A kind of organic, bone marrow infusion of sound...absorbed through the pores. Could have been my imagination, who knows. Anyone else hear Bobby strumming Bertha at the end of Throwin Stones just before Good Lovin'?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 15, 2006
Subject: God, how I wish I'd been there!!
Subject: God, how I wish I'd been there!!
I think everyone knows about this show by now. Everyone's heard of the famous "Warlocks" show with the breakout of Dark Star and Attics. Certainly, this
is one of the all-time shows, up there with anything from 69, 73, 77, etc., even though some of the playing in the first set sounds a little sloppy, (not to mention the awful chord early in UJB), and Jerry is way too low in the mix at the end of TMNS.
Fortunately, the mix improves for the second set. The Playin'>UJB>Playin'>Dark Star gets most of the attention, but check out the Death Don't! The singing is so powerful, so emotional, that even Jerry's wailing lead doesn't match the vocal intensity. This version is right up there with any performance of this song from 68-69, maybe better! The gorgeous Attics encore, sung nearly perfectly and almost entirely by Jerry and Brent, is another highlight.
Fortunately, the mix improves for the second set. The Playin'>UJB>Playin'>Dark Star gets most of the attention, but check out the Death Don't! The singing is so powerful, so emotional, that even Jerry's wailing lead doesn't match the vocal intensity. This version is right up there with any performance of this song from 68-69, maybe better! The gorgeous Attics encore, sung nearly perfectly and almost entirely by Jerry and Brent, is another highlight.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 24, 2006
Subject: BRENT
Subject: BRENT
Long, long, crazy, crazy night!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 22, 2005
Subject: OFF DA HOOK!!!
Subject: OFF DA HOOK!!!
A good buddy of mine and fellow HEAD was at this show and would never shut-up about it....until now I have only heard snippets via a shitty cassette
knew it was a special show but it never really sunk in....., the energy and vibes are screaming through my speakers......
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 21, 2005
Subject: Memphis Blues
Subject: Memphis Blues
That's as far as I've gotten and this show has blown me away already. The best Memphis I have ever heard. Bobby's vocals are screaming, Brent tears it
up and the entire band is in perfect harmony. Amazing. Thanks for this show!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 6, 2005 (edited)
Subject: 10/9/89
Subject: 10/9/89
This show is truly worthy of 5 stars. Not just for the bust-outs (Dark Star and Attics), but b/c there was magic this night. "Stranger" appears on Without
a Net.
Trannyman: I would say that Spring and Summer 89 were some of the best Brent era Dead shows ever, not just Fall 89. Just my opinion though.
Trannyman: I would say that Spring and Summer 89 were some of the best Brent era Dead shows ever, not just Fall 89. Just my opinion though.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 8, 2005
Subject: too much hiss!
Subject: too much hiss!
if you don't care about sound, go ahead and download, one of the best shows ever. way too much hiss for me.
show is definately a 5
show is definately a 5
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 29, 2005
Subject: Lives up to the hype
Subject: Lives up to the hype
Sure, all of the break-outs and secret shows. The shows could have been standard fare, but they are not. This one is awesome. Has to be one of the best
modern era Dark Stars, despite being the first one played starting in 89. Playin is epic. Easily one of the best 89 shows, which was a fairly normal year until this tour.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 31, 2005
Subject: still hurts...
Subject: still hurts...
It still hurts that I missed this one...
Four star recording, but what can you say about the show itself...5 stars all day long. Fantastic energy!
... />You better get it...
Four star recording, but what can you say about the show itself...5 stars all day long. Fantastic energy!
... />You better get it...
Project J.A.M.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 6, 2005 (edited)
Subject: "Hey man, you got your Attics!"
Subject: "Hey man, you got your Attics!"
I was one of the lucky few thousands that was at this monster show, and along with the birth of my baby girl, it is the memory that I will cherish most
of all for the rest of my life. I have certainly never been to any live concert that comes close to equaling the experience.
It was the fall semester of my junior year at Penn State in 1989, and my buddy Mike and I heard about the "stealth" Warlocks shows from the daughter of a woman that lived in State College who used to date Rob Wasserman and was friendly with Bob Weir. We immediately agreed that there was obviously no option other than scraping together every dime we could and heading down to Hampton for the shows.
We got to the 10/8 show at around five o clock that afternoon, and no tickets were to be found. They had sold out, and nobody kicked us any down in the lot. We missed 10/8. I was bummin', coming all the way down with no tix for either show was starting to seem like a big mistake. But later that night we spied a trailer set up at the far end of the parking lot outside the venue, with about fifty or so Heads lined up outside it. It turned out they were selling tickets for the 10/9 show. Both Mike and I scored tix and our outlooks suddenly changed mightily. Those lime green beauties with the "Warlocks" in gold embossed lettering were a joy to behold.
While the show was on that first night, I remember coming upon a pretty young thing hanging by a fountain right outside the Coliseum. We could hear the faint strains of Help->Slip echoing from inside the venue, and she was in tears that she couldn't get inside the show that night. I comforted her by saying that we were both going in tomorrow night, and that was going to be the big show anyway. I had no idea how prophetic my words were.
We couldn't afford a hotel room, so we partied in the streets all night long. As soon as they allowed cars back in the lot, around 8am or so, we pulled in and I sat myself down at the front of the line that had already started to form at the yellow police tape about 100 yards away from the Coliseums entrance. This was a general admission show and I wanted prime position on the floor. The ten or so hours before they let us in the venue flew by, and my perserverence paid off. I wound up in the best spot I could imagine when they let us in: right in front of the stage, smack dab in the middle of Jerry and Bob. When the band took the stage, the boys were clearly in a fantastic mood. Phil was all smiles, pointing, laughing, and waving at people in the crowd. The first set smoked, but was not exactly mind blowing. Other than the phenominal Stranger ("long, long, crazy, crazy tour," classic Brent!) the Row Jimmy and Jack A Roe, there weren't really any songs that I was completely stoked to see. It certainly didn't give us any indication as to the history making set that was to come.
In between sets a mop topped Deadhead with a spiral bound notebook and pen in hand came by, interviewing folks and asking them what they thought was going to be played in the second set. I had heard about a week before that the band had been soundchecking Attics out west, and I had a strong feeling that this was going to be the breakout. When I told him my prediction, I remember getting a strange look of disbelief as he moved on. I also remember there was someone up in the lighting catwalks high above the stage with a laser pointer, and he had it right on my chest in between sets. I grinned and waved at him and he moved it along to others around me.
The boys came out for set two and we were blown away early. Playin was funky and amazing, the Uncle John's perfect with sweet harmonies slipping quickly into psychedelic scary jamming back into the Playin reprise. When those opening notes of Dark Star thundered out, I started jumping up and down like a pogo stick. I literally jumped out of my shoes. My buddy Mike had his hands on my shoulders behind me, and if he hadn't held me down I probably would have shot right out the roof of the arena like a rocket ship. Drums and Space were perfectly appropriate, and the Death Don't brought down the explosive energy in a haunting and profound manner. Fantasy->Jude, Throwin Stones, Good Lovin' brought us back to the standard set closers of this era with nice energy and a crowd pleasing finish. The encore was as beautiful an experience as I think I've ever had. I can't find the words to express what a moment it was for me. It's such a gorgeous, meaningful song, Hunter/Garcia at their poetic, melodic best. And the boys nailed it tonight.
After the show, everyone was stunned and drained. As the crowd was letting out of the arena, I saw the guy that took my prediction in between sets, and he pointed at me saying, "Hey man, you got your Attics!" I grinned back at him ear to ear. I sure had.
Thank you, archive, for providing access for
all to enjoy this incredible, once in a lifetime performance. Thank you Jerry and the Dead for making it happen.
It was the fall semester of my junior year at Penn State in 1989, and my buddy Mike and I heard about the "stealth" Warlocks shows from the daughter of a woman that lived in State College who used to date Rob Wasserman and was friendly with Bob Weir. We immediately agreed that there was obviously no option other than scraping together every dime we could and heading down to Hampton for the shows.
We got to the 10/8 show at around five o clock that afternoon, and no tickets were to be found. They had sold out, and nobody kicked us any down in the lot. We missed 10/8. I was bummin', coming all the way down with no tix for either show was starting to seem like a big mistake. But later that night we spied a trailer set up at the far end of the parking lot outside the venue, with about fifty or so Heads lined up outside it. It turned out they were selling tickets for the 10/9 show. Both Mike and I scored tix and our outlooks suddenly changed mightily. Those lime green beauties with the "Warlocks" in gold embossed lettering were a joy to behold.
While the show was on that first night, I remember coming upon a pretty young thing hanging by a fountain right outside the Coliseum. We could hear the faint strains of Help->Slip echoing from inside the venue, and she was in tears that she couldn't get inside the show that night. I comforted her by saying that we were both going in tomorrow night, and that was going to be the big show anyway. I had no idea how prophetic my words were.
We couldn't afford a hotel room, so we partied in the streets all night long. As soon as they allowed cars back in the lot, around 8am or so, we pulled in and I sat myself down at the front of the line that had already started to form at the yellow police tape about 100 yards away from the Coliseums entrance. This was a general admission show and I wanted prime position on the floor. The ten or so hours before they let us in the venue flew by, and my perserverence paid off. I wound up in the best spot I could imagine when they let us in: right in front of the stage, smack dab in the middle of Jerry and Bob. When the band took the stage, the boys were clearly in a fantastic mood. Phil was all smiles, pointing, laughing, and waving at people in the crowd. The first set smoked, but was not exactly mind blowing. Other than the phenominal Stranger ("long, long, crazy, crazy tour," classic Brent!) the Row Jimmy and Jack A Roe, there weren't really any songs that I was completely stoked to see. It certainly didn't give us any indication as to the history making set that was to come.
In between sets a mop topped Deadhead with a spiral bound notebook and pen in hand came by, interviewing folks and asking them what they thought was going to be played in the second set. I had heard about a week before that the band had been soundchecking Attics out west, and I had a strong feeling that this was going to be the breakout. When I told him my prediction, I remember getting a strange look of disbelief as he moved on. I also remember there was someone up in the lighting catwalks high above the stage with a laser pointer, and he had it right on my chest in between sets. I grinned and waved at him and he moved it along to others around me.
The boys came out for set two and we were blown away early. Playin was funky and amazing, the Uncle John's perfect with sweet harmonies slipping quickly into psychedelic scary jamming back into the Playin reprise. When those opening notes of Dark Star thundered out, I started jumping up and down like a pogo stick. I literally jumped out of my shoes. My buddy Mike had his hands on my shoulders behind me, and if he hadn't held me down I probably would have shot right out the roof of the arena like a rocket ship. Drums and Space were perfectly appropriate, and the Death Don't brought down the explosive energy in a haunting and profound manner. Fantasy->Jude, Throwin Stones, Good Lovin' brought us back to the standard set closers of this era with nice energy and a crowd pleasing finish. The encore was as beautiful an experience as I think I've ever had. I can't find the words to express what a moment it was for me. It's such a gorgeous, meaningful song, Hunter/Garcia at their poetic, melodic best. And the boys nailed it tonight.
After the show, everyone was stunned and drained. As the crowd was letting out of the arena, I saw the guy that took my prediction in between sets, and he pointed at me saying, "Hey man, you got your Attics!" I grinned back at him ear to ear. I sure had.
Thank you, archive, for providing access for
all to enjoy this incredible, once in a lifetime performance. Thank you Jerry and the Dead for making it happen.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 1, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Video of this fine show
Subject: Video of this fine show
Check this out. Not the best video quality, but still damned awesome.
... rel="ugc nofollow" target="_blank">
... rel="ugc nofollow" target="_blank">
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 19, 2005
Subject: darkstar
Subject: darkstar
First dadrkstar since 84. And what a darkstar it is.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 6, 2005
Subject: Is it just me?
Subject: Is it just me?
Or is Bobby mixed way up on this show...or at least this recording? Of all the shows I've collected, I can't think of another one where I was so aware
of his playing. For example, if you listen "The Music Never Stopped", Bobby's rhythm work is much more prominent than Jerry's leads and fills. A great show, and a real plus if you've really wanted to know what Bobby was doing under all that magnificent playing Jerry gave us all those years.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 22, 2005
Subject: Memphis Blues...
Subject: Memphis Blues...
great stoey b ythe previous poster...anyway, yes high profile gig, but all the overlooked tunes are hot, for me the mephis blues bobby is super rockstarbobby.
ramble on rose jerry has the midi workin nice...classic show, first set is equally as hot as the second...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 22, 2005 (edited)
Subject: When the dust settled...
Subject: When the dust settled...
The music in this show is well played but not "the best show ever". Not even the best show musically on the fall tour (I'd say a four out of five). I haven't
downloaded this version as I have master FOB's so I can't comment on the sound quality. What is most unique about this show and what makes it one of the best Dead shows to have attended was after the gig (aside from the breakouts of course). When the encore finished, the crowd died down to near silence. We dare not ask for more, that would be way too tacky after what they just gave us. The lights came on and we erupted in thunderous applause. We were cheering each other for being there. Everywhere you looked people were hugging, high 5ing, crying with joy...truely sick. I packed up my stuff and rushed out to call in the bad news to a friend in Massachusetts that could'nt make it. As I came out of the coliseum (a beautiful building from the outside yet a skanky sweat dripping dump on the inside...great sound though) you could hear waves of crowd spilling out screaming, roaring...I have never seen nor heard anything like it. As I got to the entrance of the parking lot, a good 200 yards away, a cop grabbed me by the arm and said "what the Hell is going on over there?". I said "history was made tonight, history!"
Five stars for the experience.
Five stars for the experience.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 29, 2005
Subject: death
Subject: death
The death is amazing. Very good first set and the set list in the second is stronger than the actual playing. Worth the download for the breakouts, but
keep in mind the they are rusty versions.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 18, 2005 (edited)
Subject: ya had to be there
Subject: ya had to be there
my buddy and i went to these shows with no tickets.A practice i never did.If i did not have a ticket,i would not go,but we heard through the grapevine
that the Dead were playing Hampton as the Warlocks.When we arrived,we got tickets in two minutes.Most pepole thought these shows were a joke.That they would not happen.......NO JOKE.The Star Breakout was Great....but the PLAYING IN THE BAND WAS THE HIGHLIGHT FOR ME.I saw a Star in 84 so while it was great that they broke it out,the playing in the band jam is Just perfect GD!OH YEh...nobody mentions the ATTICS BREAK OUT!!!..i just did!///nice!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 2, 2005
Subject: Long long crazy crazy Tour
Subject: Long long crazy crazy Tour
forget TGIF....its TGFBM Thank God For Brent Mydland.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 26, 2005
Subject: Favorite Playin of the 80s/90s
Subject: Favorite Playin of the 80s/90s
This show has always been known for the return of Dark Star, but the Playin was simply out of this world. Jerry switches around to at least 3 or 4 different
sounds during the jam that just blow your mind. You had a feeling it was going to be a special 2nd set starting with that great Playin.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 11, 2005
Subject: Dark Star Returns
Subject: Dark Star Returns
Excellent Quality, Excellent Setlist, Excellent Playing......I can only imagine what it felt like to hear Dark Star start up...after all those years, it
must have been quite spectacular.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 22, 2004
Subject: Yo, The Show Sounds Off The Hook
Subject: Yo, The Show Sounds Off The Hook
This concert sounds so amazing. The quality is ridiculous. The set list is a work of art, and I love the BUILT TO LAST!!!!!!!!! Recomended to All!!!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 14, 2004
Subject: 10-9-89
Subject: 10-9-89
I saw the roff come off the ceiling this night and Phil took over the controls of the *spaceship* we really ... went somewhere this night!
I think only the people who were there and lucky enough to be *there* can really grasp what happened. But DAMN do the tapes and videos do it justice.I will remember this night forever.
Allison Hellar miss ya!!Virigina
Brian M
I saw the roff come off the ceiling this night and Phil took over the controls of the *spaceship* we really ... went somewhere this night!
I think only the people who were there and lucky enough to be *there* can really grasp what happened. But DAMN do the tapes and videos do it justice.I will remember this night forever.
Allison Hellar miss ya!!Virigina
Brian M
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 6, 2004
Subject: A parallel universe
Subject: A parallel universe
This show is outstanding. That said I had two versions of it, one an amazing SDB, the other an equally unbelieveable audience and I have to admit, the
vibe of the audience was bordering on surreal and I prefer that. This show in particular holds special memories as I was driving from Tahoe Donner to Tahoe city when I popped set 2 of the audience version into the car for the first time and drove in a white out blizzard to see Leftover Salmon playing at Humpties, needless to say, in that car, with this energizing show, it was like altered states when darkstar came on, the crowd is in ecstasy, elated, not unlike the Floyd orgasm, I felt connected to that parallel universe forever more, indellibly etching my memory...for the better.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 3, 2004 (edited)
Subject: gdlive dies
Subject: gdlive dies
thank you archive well, thank you patrons. if you are seeking 10-9-89 with any question in your mind, well then, it may not have been for you in the first place. this (as well as 10-16-89, 10-26-89 and some alpine dates) is as good as the late-80s gets.
of those of us who were in attendance, we pinched ourselves while there to make sure it was happening, and then were reminded of hampton '86: "it's all a dream we dream long ago."
'nuff said.
thank you archive well, thank you patrons. if you are seeking 10-9-89 with any question in your mind, well then, it may not have been for you in the first place. this (as well as 10-16-89, 10-26-89 and some alpine dates) is as good as the late-80s gets.
of those of us who were in attendance, we pinched ourselves while there to make sure it was happening, and then were reminded of hampton '86: "it's all a dream we dream long ago."
'nuff said.
bolo the supreme hypnocrat
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 23, 2004
Subject: My Last Show...
Subject: My Last Show...
This wonderful run (well...ok, two show run...) at Hampton was the last time I saw the Grateful Dead. I had just flown back into Norfolk after one of the
few leaves from the Navy I took without going on tour. I was dejectedly winding my weary way back to the base when a very confused announcer on the radio said that he didn't know this band, but that the Warlocks were playing Hampton Coliseum. A rather large smile plastered its way onto my face and I nearly wrecked getting to the nearest ATM.
When tickets went on sale, I decided not to play it safe and just go when the store opened. There were only about 30 of us in the lot and I knew most of them. This was going to be absolutly wonderful.
Was it? Well, all you need to do is take a listen. Only the second kamakazie show ever and what did they give us?...The first Dark Star since '84 and the first Attics since '72!!! Jerry was still nominally healthy and the rest of the boys...well, ever since the summer tour of '88 they had been tighter than a Haliburton stock option on Nov. 3, and (did I really just write that?...) Just listen. I promise a smile. And that's what it's all about, isn't it!
When tickets went on sale, I decided not to play it safe and just go when the store opened. There were only about 30 of us in the lot and I knew most of them. This was going to be absolutly wonderful.
Was it? Well, all you need to do is take a listen. Only the second kamakazie show ever and what did they give us?...The first Dark Star since '84 and the first Attics since '72!!! Jerry was still nominally healthy and the rest of the boys...well, ever since the summer tour of '88 they had been tighter than a Haliburton stock option on Nov. 3, and (did I really just write that?...) Just listen. I promise a smile. And that's what it's all about, isn't it!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 29, 2004
Subject: hmmmmm
Subject: hmmmmm
Epic in song and sound.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 8, 2004
Subject: 10-9-89
Subject: 10-9-89
The epic Playin>Uncle>Playin>Dark Star>Drumz>Space>Death Don't is worth sitting through if you have the patience and the time.
This ... show is ranked #1 in Deadbase for 1989. DOWNLOAD IT and see why
This ... show is ranked #1 in Deadbase for 1989. DOWNLOAD IT and see why
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 17, 2004
Subject: Important Show
Subject: Important Show
This show should be in everyones collection. I have had it since '90 and have played it ever since. Playing is super and the breakouts alone make it a
piece of history. Sound quality has a quirk in that the kick drum is really up front in the mix, especially during the Death Don't, but still overall a good sound.
1st set is solid and has the Stranger from "With Out a Net". The 2nd set is all highlites in particular the Playin>UJB>Playin>Dark Star segment. The post drums is just as great with the Death Don't a unique pairing of TS>Good Lovin' and the Attics encore.
If you don't have this one stop what you are doing now and download.
1st set is solid and has the Stranger from "With Out a Net". The 2nd set is all highlites in particular the Playin>UJB>Playin>Dark Star segment. The post drums is just as great with the Death Don't a unique pairing of TS>Good Lovin' and the Attics encore.
If you don't have this one stop what you are doing now and download.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 28, 2004 (edited)
Subject: I found it!
Subject: I found it!
Wow! I finally found this show. I had this one in my collection many years ago, and although I wasn't yet going to shows in '89, the energy of the crowd
as they broke out dark star for the first time in several years was really something! I am very pleased with the sound quality of the show. Although I am not usually a proponent of audience recordings over soundboards, for the sole purpose of experiencing that deafening roar of ecstacy, could anyone upload an audience? I imagine this show just got posted, seeing all of the comments in the last week. I love this site!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 28, 2004
Subject: One deadhead's Holy Grail
Subject: One deadhead's Holy Grail
Formerly The Warlocks - 10/9/89
I was first 'turned on' to the Grateful Dead very late one night listening to WREK Georgia Tech in Atlanta in 1974 ... when the DJ played the Live Dead Dark Star and my life was changed. I got on a bus that I had not even seen come by yet!
For the next 15 years I attended Grateful Dead shows and Jerry shows hoping to hear them play Dark Star, but never succeeded. Until this night.
Listen to the crowd go wild at the first notes. Sustained roaring for several minutes. Obviously alot of other folks were also really needing to hear this breakout of a tune not played in several years.
The midi-spaces during Playing In The Band, during the Dark Star, and leading into drumz never had more 'out-there' energy. The Death Don't Have No Mercy contained Brent's best organ solo ever imho, and Jerry's final phrases to conclude the cosmic journey of this song and the whole powerful section of this set from the Dark Star thru Death seemed like putting the lid back on Pandora's box of the mysteries of life and the Grateful Dead revealed to the faithfull during this show.
And then the desert to cap it all off - the first Attics of My Life played in 18 years as the encore.
Those within the magical Hampton Coliseum this night would never forget this show. I drove back home, 500 miles the same night after the show, occasionally checking behind me to make sure the holy grail, the quest of my dead career, was still safely riding with me.
And so it was.
I was first 'turned on' to the Grateful Dead very late one night listening to WREK Georgia Tech in Atlanta in 1974 ... when the DJ played the Live Dead Dark Star and my life was changed. I got on a bus that I had not even seen come by yet!
For the next 15 years I attended Grateful Dead shows and Jerry shows hoping to hear them play Dark Star, but never succeeded. Until this night.
Listen to the crowd go wild at the first notes. Sustained roaring for several minutes. Obviously alot of other folks were also really needing to hear this breakout of a tune not played in several years.
The midi-spaces during Playing In The Band, during the Dark Star, and leading into drumz never had more 'out-there' energy. The Death Don't Have No Mercy contained Brent's best organ solo ever imho, and Jerry's final phrases to conclude the cosmic journey of this song and the whole powerful section of this set from the Dark Star thru Death seemed like putting the lid back on Pandora's box of the mysteries of life and the Grateful Dead revealed to the faithfull during this show.
And then the desert to cap it all off - the first Attics of My Life played in 18 years as the encore.
Those within the magical Hampton Coliseum this night would never forget this show. I drove back home, 500 miles the same night after the show, occasionally checking behind me to make sure the holy grail, the quest of my dead career, was still safely riding with me.
And so it was.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 24, 2004 (edited)
Subject: 10/9/89 forever
Subject: 10/9/89 forever
I never understood why 10/16 got released and this one did not. I mean you just could not believe this place when the first notes of Dark Star were played.
It was an electric night. And I KNOW it was not just me!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 9, 2004
Subject: Just like hitting the lottery
Subject: Just like hitting the lottery
Read my comments...from the 8th. This show was the biggest thing in Grateful Dead land since Jerry comming back from his coma. The whole show was great
but the return of Dark Star ushered in the great golden age of the Grateful Dead. What can you say about a show when they kick off the second set with Playing!! Often overlooked was the post drumz. Fantasy> Hey Jude. What about the sick Death Don't. Finally the joyous Good Lovin!
For all of us who continued on this amazing tour, what a story we all had to share with the rest of the Grateful Dead nation!! Thanks archive!!!
For all of us who continued on this amazing tour, what a story we all had to share with the rest of the Grateful Dead nation!! Thanks archive!!!
Bayonne Glenn
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 9, 2004
Subject: The greatest non-surprise gratefully awaited
Subject: The greatest non-surprise gratefully awaited
this is one of the tightest show of the Brent era and more important is it brought back Dark star that was never t disappear again(as was help/slip/frank
the night before}.this was rumored as soon as it was announced they would be preforming as the Warlocks for 2 shows only! 2 minutes into the second set you would think you were at the big jam that woud be right before drums.I was the first and probablly the best of the 89 /90 Dark stars before brents untimley death (with the meadowlands and Nassau shows running a close second) a must have!!!!!
Ps the only reason the dead did not release this show was the fact they released the 10/16 show and would not then release another show only a week before. quality is excellent thank you guys for making another classic availble for everyone to enjoy!!!!!!!
Ps the only reason the dead did not release this show was the fact they released the 10/16 show and would not then release another show only a week before. quality is excellent thank you guys for making another classic availble for everyone to enjoy!!!!!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 8, 2004
Subject: Are you kidding me.......
Subject: Are you kidding me.......
one of the best shows ever from the 80's/90's. Doesn't have the crazy Jerry licks from the early 80's but offers in ways the shows from the earlier years
Massive Playin/UJB. The Dark Star....what can you say..MIDI sound at its best. I'm surprised this show hasen't been released by the boys themselves.
If for some reason you pulled a Rip Van Winkle and just woke up to the Dead....GET THIS SHOW !!!
Massive Playin/UJB. The Dark Star....what can you say..MIDI sound at its best. I'm surprised this show hasen't been released by the boys themselves.
If for some reason you pulled a Rip Van Winkle and just woke up to the Dead....GET THIS SHOW !!!
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